North Somerset
South Gloucestershire
Who provides mental health support in schools
Every school is different and can support families in many ways. Here is some information on the three main types of mental health support in schools:
School health nurses:
- Are based in every school.
- Can provide support for a wide range of mental health difficulties.
- Are not a CAMHS service but can refer to CAMHS - information for professionals on how to refer to CAMHS can be found here.
- For more information about mental health nurses in school, visit the Community Children’s Health Partnership here.
Primary Mental Health Specialists
Have a link worker in every school.
Can be accessed via contact by school staff.
Can give advice to school staff and work directly with children and young people.
Mental health support teams
- This is a new service available in some schools. You can find a full list of schools offering this service via the OTR website.
They work with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.
The teams deliver evidence-based individual interventions, group interventions and have a strong focus on whole school approaches.