How we are managed

AWP is led by a Trust Board which is made up of six Executive Directors (four voting Directors) and the Chief Executive, who together manage the Trust on a day-to-day basis. There are also seven Non-Executive Directors (including one Associate Non-Executive Director) and the Chair of the Board, who provide additional experience and an independent perspective.

The Board is responsible for the governance, leadership and strategic direction of AWP, ensuring that appropriate financial and human resources are in place to meet agreed objectives.

The Chair of the Board is Charlotte Hitchings. Our Chief Executive Officer is Dominic Hardisty.

You can find out more about the background, experience and expertise of the Trust Board members here:

Read more about our Non-Executive Directors 

Read more about our Executive Directors 

The Chief Executive is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Trust's business. The Executive Directors, collectively known as the Executive Team, assist the Chief Executive in putting the strategy of the Board into practice and fully implementing it. Together, the Executive Team uses formal accountability and performance management frameworks to hold the organisation to account and to achieve the Board’s objectives.

Non-Executive Directors have a particular role in scrutinising how the strategy is implemented, paying close attention to statutory responsibilities and the delivery of the Trust's contractual obligations.

Between Board meetings, directors are involved in development workshops and seminars to focus on specific matters such as horizon scanning, risk management, business planning, quality governance and organisational development. 

The Board exercises some of its functions through seven Board committees, three of which are statutory committees. Board committees provide an opportunity for more in-depth scrutiny than is possible during Board meetings. Each is chaired by a non-executive director and other directors make up their membership.

Our Trust Board Committees.jpg

You can find further details of each Board committee below:

The Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for providing the Board with a means of independent and objective review of the financial and corporate governance, assurance processes and risk management across the whole of the organisation’s clinical activities.

The Nomination and Remuneration Committee fulfils the role of the Nominations Committee (for Executive Directors) and of the Remuneration Committee. The Committee approves the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer and makes decisions about Executive Director remuneration.

The Charitable Funds Committee is responsible for monitoring the income and expenditure of charitable donations and for considering how charitable funds are invested. The Board is the corporate trustee of the charitable funds and the Committee oversees the charity’s operation on behalf of the corporate trustee.

The Quality and Standards Committee has responsibility for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place for measuring and monitoring quality, including patient safety and monitoring service user experience.  The Committee provides assurance to the Board that these arrangements are robust and effective.

The Finance and Planning Committee has responsibility to provide the Board with independent and objective oversight and assurance on the financial performance of the Trust and has oversight of the planning process.

The Delivery Committee has responsibility for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place for measuring and monitoring operational performance, emergency planning and workforce strategy implementation.

The Mental Health Legislation Committee is responsible for providing assurance to the Trust Board on compliance with relevant mental health legislation.