Our secure services are part of the South West Provider Collaborative, delivering secure mental health services across the South West region.   

We provide specialist treatment and care for people with:  

  • a mental illness    

  • learning disabilities  

  • autism spectrum disorder   

  • personality disorder  

If you, or a person you care for, have been in contact with the criminal justice system or need help to reduce your risk to others, we can provide specialist care that cannot be treated in mainstream mental health services.  

Our core services include:   

  • Wickham Unit – an inpatient low secure service   

  • Fromeside – an inpatient medium secure service   

Fromeside and Wickham inpatient units are located on the same site and work closely together to ensure we provide the best care and treatment. 

All referrals to secure services within the South West Provider Collaborative (SWPC) should be made via an online portal, SWPC Patient Flow System. For log in details and a guide on how to use the system, please email dpt.swpcpatientflowsystem@nhs.net.    

Our low secure inpatient units below are all located at: 

Low Secure Services 
Wickham Unit 
Blackberry Hill Hospital 
Manor Road 
BS16 1ED 

Cromwell Unit
14 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4360 

Fairfax Unit
10 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4350 

Hopton Unit
7 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4370 

Our medium secure inpatient units below are all located at: 

Medium Secure Services 
Blackberry Hill Hospital 
Manor Road 
BS16 1ED 

Bradley Brook Unit  
8 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4038 

Cary Unit 
8 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4054 

Kennet Unit 
15 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4059 

Ladden Brook Unit 
12 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4044 

Severn Unit 
18 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4063 

Teign Unit 
12 beds available for female adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4071  

Wellow Unit 
8 beds available for male adults 

Phone: 0117 378 4049