More people than ever before have been working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic. If your job has led to some time working remotely, you might have feelings of anxiety, separation or isolation. It can be hard to keep ourselves motivated to work, especially if we're anxious about other things or have distractions at home (such as other members of the family trying to work at home or children needing help with home-schooling). 

Remote working can also mean that we have less contact with our colleagues and we miss out on the support and conversations that we would have had if we had been in the office together. Keeping regular contact with our colleagues can help us feel connected and reduce our worries and stress about work. This might mean we have to take the time to schedule phone or video calls with our colleagues. 

The following resources might help you cope with these difficulties and balance your work and home life.

  • Advice and Guidance on Working from Home – this specially prepared AWP document gives advice on preparing yourself mentally and setting out your own goals for doing your job, as well as physical preparations like making sure you're relaxed and having a suitable workspace set up.
  • NHS – Every Mind Matters – Advice on coping with the difficulties of being at home and practical tips for home working.